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Competing In A Smart Sport

This year starting at SMCHS we are going to have the most intellectual sport of all, Scholars bowl. It is a competition to determine who has the smartest wit, intelligence, and who know the most obscure info. Coaching or team this year will be Dr. Lindley, a former college professor who has decided to lead the first team ever to a sure victory. The team’s coach, Dr. Lindley, had a few words to say about it.

He would not give names for our best players but he would say that we have a couple of very experienced players and some very enthusiastic players who have never done scholars bowl before. He said that we have a very strong team of 34 people. He stated that he wanted to take the team to regional competitions and the state level competitions. He said that he would like to take a team to the national level competitions with in two years, but it would be very hard to do because the team is so young. However, he said that we have the drive and the players to do it be we will have to try our level best. He also said that he wants to take the team to all of the county competitions for Mobile and Baldwin county.

He added that these county competitions could take the team, if they win, to higher levels of competitions. He also added that some of the competitions that he would take the team would merely be to hone our skills in the brain and on the buzzer. The St. Michael Scholars Bowl team has a bright feature but they are going to have to work very hard to accomplish the goals that Dr. Lindley wants to achieve, but with enough work and perseverance they can reach the national level.

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